Monday update

Dropping in for a Monday update!

Running/ exercise – I haven’t been out since the half last week, partly due to letting my body recover and partly due to a lack of motivation! I’ve put on about a stone in the last year which has left me feeling fat and tired hence re-joining Slimming World. I do have a speed session scheduled for this evening so we’ll see how that goes. I’m sure I’ll survive but I’ve missed the previous 5 sessions due to Bank Holidays/ recovery from long runs/ races and being lazy. But a week off is enough- if I want that PB, I’ve got to work for it. On Tuesday I did go on an 8 mile bike ride with the husband and then a kettle bells class which I thoroughly enjoyed and am hoping to add to my weekly schedule. It’s all part of my grand plan to build up my core strength as the only exercise I do is running. I’ve also signed up to a 6 week yoga course as I’ve heard that it’s meant to be good for runners. I’ve never done yoga before (unless you count the one time in college when we all got the giggle and never returned) so it’ll be interesting to say the least.

Slimming World– my first week back is going well… very well… it’s a little too easy and that worries me. I’ve fallen back into planning meals/ lunches, having plenty of ‘free’ food in for snacks and filling in my trusty food diary. Months of eating junk has left me 1 stone further from my target and feeling fat and tired so it’ll be nice to lose the weight and another stone or so too. Fingers crossed I stay on track this time. I don’t really have a goal weight in mind as I’m the smallest I’ve been as an adult- all I know is I’m not happy yet. I’m still 1 stone overweight according to the BMI chart so I would like to get into the middle of healthy weight bracket for my height before deciding my target. I’ve been trying to have different foods for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner to keep things new and interesting which is going well so far. My favourites so far: breakfast – eggy bread with fruit and a yogurt, Lunch – Linda McCartney red onion and rosemary sausages with salad/ beans and fried peppers & dinner – old faithful of Mac n Cheese.


I don’t run to lose weight or to eat, I run for the health benefits and to keep fit. I keep hearing how losing weight is 70% diet, 30% exercise and I can well believe it as I lost 2 stone without doing any exercise other than a bit of walking. I am hoping that by losing weight I will become faster at running as I’ll be carrying less weight but I’ve had a recent PB being 1 stone heavier so only time will tell!